You don’t have many choices. You can either fuck up your life so miserably that your kids (if you happen to have them) will puke on your tombstone, or become an honorable and successful man. Mark it for yourself: honorable and successful are not in correlation.
It’s apparent to everybody that you can either have positive or negative attitude in life. The first bring you satisfaction, the second will piss you off during the whole life. Do you really want that?
1. Action
I always hear my friends complaining about their girlfriend, corrupted government or an idiot boss. That’s what really makes me mad! Because If things are so bad you can find another girl, change the country and job!!! What are you waiting for? You only ONE, I repeat, ONE!!! Life!!! Take action! Do something stop being sassy! You can do more than just complaining!!!
2. Wisdom
There are different kinds of wisdom. The one that can make you just smarter and the one that can make your life better. To see the beauty in life is wisdom because if you can’t see it, you are just lost forever. Yes, the government is corrupted, yes, the girlfriend is bitchy. But who you gonna call in the middle of the night if somebody broke into your house? And who is going to make you bj and make the breakfast if she is not around??!! Of course I’m exaggerating, but the beauty is in little things and in the big things is nothing! To know that is part of the Wisdom.
3. Health
If you’re fat and you can’t calmly look at the mirror or reach your penis in order to urinate you’re not gonna be healthy or happy. That’s fucking miserable situation that you put yourself into. Why are Americans so fat!?!? Because everybody is fucking “politically correct”!!! If your doctor told you that you look outrageously awful in such costume you would not have incentives to eat so many hamburgers. But instead they say “oh it’s ok! You gonna get better. We’ll give a medicine..” Fuck no! If you are dumb, no medicine gonna help you!!! Want to lose weight? Run, fatty, RUN!!!
Without health nobody is happy, even if you are a millionaire. Only you can support and cherish you health and beauty. Run, swim, hike, bike but don’t just lie on the couch.
To be continued…